The Yin-Yang principle in martial arts
Humans are born with discrete levels of zests and traits. Every human life goes through cyclical ups and downs. Birth and Death are the irrevocable extremes. Extremes are the inevitable truth of life; and they define each other’s existence.
Nature also exhibits different extremes- hot and cold, day and night, etc.
The Chinese call such polar forces “Yin” and “Yang”.
Yin represents “darkness” and Yang represents the opposite. Yin and Yang are thus; two sides of the same coin and are always associated with each other. The underlying principle of our life is based on these parallel forces.
The principle of polar opposites came to me early in my life when I started learning the art of Karate - Goju-Ryu style.
In the Japanese dialect, the name Goju represents the 'Hard' and Ryu the 'Soft'
It is also referred to as the Hard and Soft style.
This particular style of Karate is based on synchronization of two extreme forces - the Hard and Soft.
A hard blow by the opponent is blocked by a comparatively softer force and vice-versa.
This helps in conserving energy which can be later utilized to attack with full force.
Many martial arts forms are based on the Ying-Yang principle.
In the Kung Fu style of fighting, the two important elements are strength and gentleness. At an advanced level of Kung Fu, it is believed that gentleness overcomes strength.
The Tai-Chi form of martial art is also based on the same concept. The movements and forms in this art too are based on the Yin-Tang principle.
Bruce Lee the famous martial arts hero, found a new style of combat - Jeet Kune Do (JKD). The symbol of JKD itself represents the Yin-Yang concept; designated as two arrows moving in opposite directions.
Further understanding of any form of martial arts reveal a series of individual Yin-Yang techniques.
These techniques in Karate are known as “Kata”. The basis of Kata is deep breathing. This helps in making the body strong. The motive behind learning Kata is to learn self-control. Most importantly it teaches us to fight against mental monsters like fear, anger etc and also helps to come out of the envelope of the comfort zone.
These techniques are meant to spread harmony through physical exercise. In a way, you meditate while practicing them, which adds a different dimension all together.
It is rightly said that - mind management is an essence to life management. In an insanely complex world of recurring problems, the prolonged use of these techniques has a significant positive impact on the mind.
The teachers of such skills stress on the importance of learning these principles with the underlying skills and practices. At the same time, much emphasis is given to persistence. It is believed that when we persist in practicing them, they become easier not because they become easier, but our ability to do them increases. They also improve concentration and teach us never to give up in life.
The great master Chojun Miyagi of Goju-Ryu Karate summarized his learning from the Yin-Yang principlea by saying-
When your temper rises, lower your fists – when your fists rise, lower your temper.